The movement in image II
Over the course of the evening, we will investigate the dialogue between cinema, video and choreography by exploring the common elements found in each form of « writing of movement ».
By establishing similarities between the works, we will attempt to understand the effect to which time and space, rhythm and representation of bodies, from figuration to abstraction and immateriality can be utilised.
– Video installations
The bestiary and Magma – Charley Case, Maïté Jeannolin, Justine François, Violaine Le Fur, Ophélie Honoré, Victor Dumont, Jack Moyersoen.
Intimacy – Video installation by Justine François.
– Selection of short films
Le rêve de Bailu – Nicolas Boone
Seven Days Till Sunday – Reynolds Reynolds
River Rites – Ben Russel
Tentative à contraindre le corps dans le cadre de l’image – Jacques Lizène
Tourner – Michel François
Transport – Amy Greenfield
-Performance : Fushigi
Aï Suzuki – dance / improvisation and Pascal Baes – FX video accompanied by Jacques Foschia and his tube radios – sound improviser.