The body and the camera at play in the rituals of trance and possession I
Over the course of three successive evenings, we will reflect on ritual dances and dances of possession.
How does dance become a means to enter a trance? How does the dancing body become a channel through which gods and ancestors are able to express themselves? What is trance and possession? How to recognise a possessed body? What bodily dispositions does this entail? How is presence embodied in the physicality of a dancer?

– Intervention by Philippe Jespers, professor and researcher in anthropology of ritual, arts and dance.
He will talk about his research on dance and his work with filmmaker Jean Rouch.
– Screening of his film “Rumba For The Dead” followed by a round table

Tourou et Bitti, les tambours d’avant – Jean Rouch
Trypps #6 Malobi – Ben Russel
Black and White Trypps 3 – Ben Russel
La taranta – Gianfranco Mingozzi
Dj set de Bear Bones Lay Low

– Lecture by Arnaud Halloy, anthropologist and lecturer at the University of Nice Sophia – Antipolis « To perceive the presence of the gods. Sketch of a theory of presence in the possession dance »
« In this talk, I propose to think collectively about what makes the dance of possession unique. From the viewing of filmed extracts of possession dance, I invite the spectators to draw up the « mental landscape » of what makes the « presence » of the deities of an Afro-Brazilian possession cult in the bodies of their « children » or followers. In a second phase, I sketch a theoretical model that attempts to define the various facets of this singular experience of the divine from the cognitive sciences, the anthropological theater and my ethnography of Candomblé Nagô of Recife ».
– Screening of Ile Aiyé (the house of life) – David Byrne